Monday, January 19, 2015

The Marlboro Man
I grew up with their slogan, "Come to where the flavor is." I saw on a newsfeed that one of the original marlboro men had passed away.
I know he wasn't one of the original cast, but every time I hear about or read about the marlboro man, I no longer think of the iconic cowboy from the west, I immediately think about this gentleman that I met in the Solomon Islands. He is wearing a cowboy hat of sorts and who knows, perhaps he was part of a more grass roots advertising campaign for Marlboro.
The Marlboro Man.... the flavor is in the Solomon Islands!


I love traveling within Indonesia. The local airlines always provide an adventure. You know when an airline’s slogan is “Fly is Cheap” that you aren’t going to receive 100% good quality, but you will undoubtedly have a good story to tell when and if you arrive at your final destination. On my most recent Indo flight, I found myself seated in the exit row. You know you’re not in the states anymore when you are completely crammed into the exit row with your 45 pound carry on bag sitting on your feet like an anchor.  In case of an emergency, I would have gone absolutely no where!

As usual, it’s swelteringly hot on the plane as we wait for the flight to take off. While digging through the bulkhead pocket for anything that I could use as a fan, I found this safety information card that is my new favorite souvenir. These drawings may be my favorite illustrations of all time.  I will give you a few hints as to whats going on before  you read the card. 1. This is not a warning that x-ray vision will catch things on fire. 2. This is not a warning for passing care bear cloud mobiles. 3. This is not a warning to try and bend the spoon with your mind.  

Now you can read the rest of the card, but I warn you it’s sort of disappointingly boring after seeing the illustrations.